JNF UK hosts Alan Dershowitz at Gray’s Inn

This event was sponsored by Shire Warwick Lewis Capital Markets Ltd, a leading proprietary trading firm.

JNF UK was thrilled to host Professor Alan Dershowitz at Gray’s Inn on Wednesday morning. The event, held in conjunction with UK Lawyers for Israel, was attended by around 120 people.

Members of the audience were invited to put their own questions to Professor Dershowitz.
Dershowitz responded to questions from Jacob Turner; formerly lawyer to Israel’s mission to the UN.

Former Professor of Law at Harvard, Dershowitz is regarded by many as the most famous lawyer in the world. He has represented a string of famous clients, including Mike Tyson, Patty Hearst and OJ Simpson. A prominent supporter of Israel, Dershowitz is the author of ‘The Case for Israel’ and ‘The Case for Peace: How the Arab-Israeli Conflict can be Resolved’.

Responding to questions from Turner and the audience with his characteristic wit, Dershowitz spoke about Iran, BDS and how Israel’s success has cost the Jewish Sate its status as an underdog. Dershowitz told the audience: “Legitimate criticism of Israel is fine, even necessary. This is not anti-semitism – if it was, the biggest anti-semites would be Jews, probably Israeli Jews. It is only when Israel is singled out and judged by different standards that criticism becomes anti-semitism.”

“I remember when Israel was weak and loved. Would I rather that Israel was weak and loved or strong and hated? I’d take a strong Israel every time.”