JC EDITOR meets KKL/JNF Legacy clients

KKL Executor & Trustee Co Ltd held its Annual Rosh Hashanah Tea Party, attended by over 80 JNF UK supporters at an event which was held in Hendon.  The guests were joined by the editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard for a dynamic question and answer session chaired by David Goodman.

Mr Pollard discussed the sustainability of one of the only commercially run Jewish diaspora newspapers amidst growing online news feeds, the differing religious and political views presented within paper and the paper’s role in presenting a pro- Israel view in a journalistically compelling manner. There were many questions from the audience. In reply to the question of what he thought was one of Israel’s greatest achievements, Mr Pollard referred to the fact that Israel is still here after various attempts by military forces to destroy the country  and de-legitimise it and is one of the most economically sophisticated economies and vibrant societies in the world due to its astonishing creative energy”.

David Goodman, who is the Community Director of KKL/JNF discussed the cocktail of JNF UK’s project across the Negev in addressing changing needs of these vibrant societies, and concluded the question and answer session with a L’Chaim to Israel and wishes for a sweet and healthy New Year to all the attendees.