JNF UK will mark Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day – this year with a digital song contest. Titled “Song Ha’atzmaut,” the competition is being organised in order to bring the community together despite the social restrictions in place.
Contestants are being asked to submit videos of themselves performing songs that celebrate the occasion, including Israeli pop songs, songs about Israel, traditional Jewish songs and original compositions.
The best submissions in both English and Hebrew will be shown during an online event on Yom Ha’atzmaut itself. The event will be hosted by comedian Ashley Blaker, and judged by Robert “Judge” Rinder, Maureen Lipman and Rosalyn Miller, winner of the 2020 ‘Jews Got Talent’ contest. Prizes include free flights and hotel nights in Israel in 2021.
Participants can submit their entries and find out more information at the official Song Ha’atzmaut website: https://www.jnf.co.uk/sing. Entries need to be submitted no later than Monday, April 27, 19:00 UK time, and the online live event will be held on Wednesday April 29.
Schools are also being encouraged to promote the competition to pupils, as a fun way of encouraging Ivrit learning during the lockdown. This builds on JNF UK’s Israel education grant campaign, which has seen it allocate £1.2m over four years to 17 Jewish schools across the UK, in order to help them strengthen young students’ Jewish identity and connection to Israel.
A wide range of communal organisations are supporting the event and promoting the competition to their members.
Yonatan Galon, CEO of JNF UK, commented:
“At a time when social distancing is having such an impact on our community, we hope our event will help bring us closer together. With Song Ha’atzmaut, we want to provide the soundtrack that Israel’s birthday celebrations deserve!”