KKL hosts online Zoom Pesach Seder in preparation for the Chag

On Wednesday 13th April KKL Executor and Trustee Company (KKL), JNF UK’s Legacy Department hosted an Online Zoom Seder for over 25 clients.

Participants of the Zoom are supporting the work of JNF UK by leaving a gift in their Will to the charity. Millions of pounds are raised each year through gifts in people’s wills that go to support the projects and needs of those in the peripheries.

Before attending the Seder, clients were sent a special pack containing a Haggadah, Seder plate, Kosher for Pesach Cake, Matzah and a cup of wine.

This interactive and engaging Seder was hosted by Carolyn Addleman, Director of Legacies and David Goodman, Director of Community Relations at KKL.

At the start of the Seder, Rabbi Dov Cowan Senior Rabbi at the JLE (Jewish Learning Exchange), shared the importance of Pesach and the strength in the work and the projects that JNF UK supports in Israel. He blessed all the participants wishing them a Chag Sameach and Happy Passover.

David Goodman led the Seder and took the participants through the running of the Seder and invited them to read extracts from the Haggadah and share their own memories and traditions of how they celebrated Pesach with their families.

As well as the traditional prayers and songs, children aged 4-5 from Kalanit kindergarten in Kiryat Malachi, a project supported by JNF UK, recorded a special video singing Ma Nishtana and Ehad Mi Yodeah at their very own Seder.

Thelma Frye who attended the Zoom Seder commented, “Although I’m not religious, I come from an Orthodox family. I thought it was lovely that Carolyn and David led the Seder from Israel; they did a good job reading through the Haggadah and it was not too long. It was so nice that they included everyone. It is the only Seder I will do this year and I’m glad I took part”.

This year for the second time, JNF UK and KKL were proud to host this interactive pre-Pesach Seder via Zoom for clients who may otherwise have been spending Pesach alone.

Carolyn Addleman, Director of Legacies commented, “it was a privilege to see so many familiar faces join the event, which for many, may be the only Seder they are able to attend. We are enormously grateful to all KKL clients for their valuable support for the work of JNF UK in Israel”.

Next year the team hope to deliver the Seder in person.