What is JNF Educational Trust?
JNF Educational Trust is a charity and an unincorporated association. It was registered with the Charity Commission on 12 October 1984. When it was operational, JNF Educational Trust shared offices with JNF UK who also provided its resources.
JNF Educational Trust’s aim was to educate young people in England about the history of the Jewish people. There was a focus on teaching children about poverty in Israel and what JNF UK is able to do to help address this. However, the primary purpose of JNF Educational Trust was to increase awareness of the work/projects carried out by JNF UK amongst young people in the UK, in order that JNF UK could benefit from their interest (either financially or through volunteer work) in the future.
In July 2004, it was decided by JNF Educational Trust that as of January 2005, it should be absorbed into JNF UK’s Education Department. JNF Educational Trust has itself thus been dormant since January 2005, though it could not be removed from the Register of Charities in case it received any further donations. From January 2005, JNF Educational Trust neither received nor spent any income.