For over 120 years JNF UK has worked tirelessly to develop the land of Israel, enhancing the lives of millions of people through our projects.
Much of this work has only been possible thanks to the generosity of our legacy donors whose contributions will benefit the people of Israel for generations to come.
Leaving a gift in your Will, no matter how small or large, is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can forge an everlasting bond with Israel.
Israel needs you now more than ever
JNF UK’s long history of supporting the Jewish State makes us a reliable and safe choice for those in the diaspora who wish to give their generous support to the future of Israel.
With an extensive portfolio of projects, many focused on the peripheral communities of the Negev and the Galilee, our dedicated team will help you choose a cause that is close to your heart and one you believe will truly make a meaningful difference.
Eric and Morris Left a Legacy to secure Israel’s future, WILL you?
Eric Linton was born in Plauen, Germany in 1921. Together with his parents and siblings he managed to escape Germany in October 1938 and settle in London
His deep sense of Jewishness, and his love of Israel brought him into contact with JNF UK’s Legacy Department. This was a relationship which both Eric and the team enjoyed for many years. He attended many events and appreciated our frequent visits to his home.
He regarded the work of JNF UK as vital to realising the Zionist dream and although Eric had no children of his own, he left a legacy specifically for the purpose of providing recreational and educational facilities for the children of the Negev.
For over 75 years, our experienced Legacy Department has led the way in providing a comprehensive range of professional services.
We are the only organisation in the Jewish community to provide unparalleled pastoral care to ensure that your needs will be looked after during and after your lifetime.
Our services include:
Will Services
It is suggested that 7 out of 10 of us die without having made a Will. Others find that the Will that they have made is invalid or has not been updated with important changes in family or in financial circumstances or to take account of new tax laws.
Our Legacy Department has assisted thousands of people in the Jewish community and outside in making or updating their Will. We pride ourselves on a caring, professional and dependable service and our in-house legal expertise is generally free of charge.
Pastoral Care
Regular contact with clients is a crucial part of the services that the department offers. We have two members of staff dedicated to keeping in touch with clients by phone, visiting them at home or meeting for coffee if they are able to get out and about.
Our team offer professional Executorship services should you need them. Whilst your Executor could be a close friend or family member, many people decide that choosing a professional Executor Company like JNF UK’s Legacy Department is the best solution, particularly as our services are generally free of charge.
Inheritance Tax
If you receive proper advice on planning your lifetime finances effectively, it may be possible to reduce your Inheritance Tax bill.
Our dedicated team will help you consider all the tax implications and consequences of your Estate. Through a properly drawn Will, as well as other steps which can be taken during your lifetime, the tax bill on your Estate may be reduced.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
Granting a LPA can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. You can appoint family, friends or professionals to take responsibility for administering your financial affairs and monitoring your investments. Coping with failing health can be a traumatic experience. but our team are here to help reduce the stress and worry that accompanies ill health and diminishing capabilities.
To discuss how you can leave a legacy or if you require more information about any of our services please contact Carolyn Addleman, JNF UK’s Director of Legacies or fill in the enquiry form below.
Call 020 8732 6101
Email [email protected]