• Education
  • Youth
  • Community

Halutzit: Yeshivat Naveh High School (2010-2016)

The story of Halutzit – a collection of communities in the north-western Negev – is a truly remarkable one. After being evacuated from their homes and seeing their communities dismantled in the 2005 disengagement from Gaza, these inspiring pioneers chose to relocate to one of the most inhospitable parts of the Negev Desert. Today they are a tribute to 21st century Zionism, populating and developing the Negev.

In the face of adversity – including a merciless climate, harsh desert landscape and intermittent rocket attacks – and with the help of JNF UK, the people of Halutzit have built thriving communities and, most remarkably, a successful agricultural industry. JNF UK’s latest contribution towards building Halutzit came with the construction of a £1 million dormitory for the local boys’ high school.